An author from Pune shared a beautiful story of her encounter with a kind auto driver and said that she met a "Santa in real life". In her post on Facebook, Manjiri Prabhu said that she was completely surprised after she noticed a puppy, seated in the vehicle, beside the driver as she embarked on her ride. She asked the driver, Harvinder Singh, about the puppy and was delighted after she was told about the story.
Along with her sister Leena, Manjiri took an auto ride earlier this week. As she arrived at her destination and was about to pay her fare, she noticed a puppy "observing me curiously from beside the driver's seat".
She asked Harvinder Singh about the puppy and he said that his son brought him home but there was nobody to take care of him while he was away on duty. So, Harvinder decided to carry the pup along with him in his auto.
In her post, Manjiri shared a picture of Harvinder Singh and added that the "photograph was more to remind me that there were always some good souls in the world who were real Santas in different ways for different beings."
Here's the full story that Manjiri narrated in the caption of her post.
"Today I met a Santa in real lifeMy sister Leena and I took an auto rickshaw and when we reached our destination, I descended from the auto and turned to pay the driver. It was then that I found myself staring straight into two beautiful brown eyes, observing me curiously from beside the driver's seat! It was a tiny pup, snug on a thick rug inside the curve of the auto and with a fancy leash. I was surprised... We hadn't heard a whimper from him all through the drive and had not the slightest clue that there was a dog in the auto with us," she said.
"Ronnie, as was his name, seemed to be a happy, content pup, settled to a life of adventures and journeys. Harvinder Singh, the auto driver explained that his son had brought the pup home but unfortunately there was no one to take care of him, while Harvinder was away on rickshaw-duty. So instead of abandoning the pup, he did the next best thing he could think of. Take the pup with him, wherever he traveled," she added.
"Now Ronnie was his travel buddy and his food and water was also well-stocked in the auto. In a world, where people wouldn't be bothered about keeping children alone at home, I found Harvinder to be uniquely sensitive and caring and meeting him brought on a feeling of added warmth and cheer to my Christmas Eve," Manjiri added.
"Harvinder was shy when I clicked his pic. But the photograph was more to remind me that there were always some good souls in the world who were real Santas in different ways for different beings, doing their acts of kindness consistently, quietly and away from the spotlight. And as long as such people existed, there was still hope in the world," she said.
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