How to stay positive ?

 Negativity & positivity are a matter of what you talk yourself in or out of. 

Let's focus in on the word "talk" for a moment, in the reference to "internal dialogue". 

The duration and repetition by which you carry on a negative or positive conversation in your head drastically impact what you see manifest in your life. 

If you think and ponder negativity, you can not possibly expect to squeeze an ounce of positivity out of what produces such putrid fruit.

However, the key is in the coaching. The bad news is that you've coached yourself into thinking negative, but the good news is that you can coach yourself right back out of that and into thinking positive. 

You have EVERY ability AND responsibility to control your internal dialogue.

If you're tired😔 of being depressed😞, worried, and drenched with anxiety😡, you have to become that much MORE sick of negative thinking.

Coach yourself out of Negativity! 

